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Dromen van Sugira
27 Aug

Dreaming of Sugira

What a festive day! At Wilde Haren we celebrated the launch of Dromen van Sugira with a cracker of an event that made both young and old smile (and not just because they were brushing their teeth!). This wasn’t just any book launch – no, this was a celebration of a whole bunch of milestones in one: our very first translation from Kinyarwanda and our very first comic!

Dreams of Sugira tells the story of a stubborn girl from Rwanda who loves sweets but is not very strict about brushing her teeth. Her classmates, however, are not amused and kindly (well, as kindly as children can) point out the smell coming from her mouth. That night, Sugira has a dream about the Imitama Kingdom, where good and bad microbes fight each other. Can Sugira save the day – or rather the night? Exciting!

We celebrated the book with an audience of children, parents, and anyone else who wanted to experience our adventure. In the spirit of the book, we made sure that no one went home empty-handed. Everyone present received a bright purple toothbrush – so that everyone is well prepared, just like Sugira!

The beautiful illustrations are done by the talented Muhirwa F. Regis, who really brought the story to life with his creative imagery. And let’s not forget who made this possible: Mudacumura Fiston, the man behind the story and founder of Mudacumura Publishing House, who is committed to strengthening the reading culture in Rwanda.

It was a day full of laughter, learning and a touch of magic. Exactly what we at Wilde Haren like to bring with every book we publish!