General Terms and Conditions

Article 1 – Definitions

1.1 Publisher Wilde Haren : The sole proprietorship located at Van Helmontstraat 19 unit 37, which offers books and related products through the web shop.
1.2 Customer : The natural person or legal entity who enters into an agreement with Uitgeverij Wilde Haren via the web shop.
1.3 Products : All goods offered by Uitgeverij Wilde Haren in the web shop, such as books, e-books and other related items.
1.4 Agreement : Any agreement concluded between Uitgeverij Wilde Haren and the Customer through an order via the web shop.
1.5 Webshop : The online shop that can be reached via , where the Customer can order products.

Article 2 - Applicability
2.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, orders and agreements of Uitgeverij Wilde Haren that are concluded via the web shop.
2.2 By placing an order via the web shop, the Customer accepts the applicability of these general terms and conditions.
2.3 Deviations from these general terms and conditions are only valid if agreed in writing.

Article 3 - Offer and Prices
3.1 All offers in the webshop are without obligation and while stocks last.
3.2 The prices in the webshop are in euros and include VAT, unless stated otherwise.
3.3 Uitgeverij Wilde Haren reserves the right to change prices. The price stated at the time of ordering is the applicable price.

Article 4 - Orders and Conclusion of Agreement
4.1 An agreement is concluded when the Customer places an order and receives confirmation by e-mail.
4.2 Uitgeverij Wilde Haren has the right to refuse orders or to attach additional conditions to the delivery, unless expressly stated otherwise.

Article 5 - Payment
5.1 Payment can be made via the payment methods offered in the web shop.
5.2 The Customer is obliged to pay for the order immediately at the time of purchase, unless otherwise agreed.
5.3 If the Customer fails to pay, Uitgeverij Wilde Haren is entitled to suspend delivery or terminate the agreement.

Article 6 - Delivery
6.1 Uitgeverij Wilde Haren strives to ship orders within 3 working days after receipt of payment.
6.2 The delivery times are indicative and do not entitle the Customer to compensation or termination of the agreement if these times are exceeded.
6.3 Delivery will be made to the address specified by the Customer. Uitgeverij Wilde Haren is not liable for errors in the specified address.

Article 7 - Right of withdrawal and returns
7.1 The Customer has the right to cancel the agreement within 14 days after receipt of the products without giving any reason.
7.2 The Customer must return the products unopened and undamaged, with the costs of return shipping being borne by the Customer.
7.3 Uitgeverij Wilde Haren will refund the full purchase price, including standard shipping costs, within 14 days of receipt of the returned products.

Article 8 - Liability
8.1 Uitgeverij Wilde Haren is not liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, lost profits, missed savings and damage due to business stagnation.
8.2 The liability of Uitgeverij Wilde Haren for direct damage is limited to the purchase price of the products.

Article 9 - Intellectual Property Rights
9.1 All intellectual property rights relating to the products offered are vested in Uitgeverij Wilde Haren or its licensors.
9.2 It is not permitted to reproduce, distribute or publish the products without prior written permission from Uitgeverij Wilde Haren.

Article 10 - Applicable Law and Disputes
10.1 All legal relationships between Uitgeverij Wilde Haren and the Customer are governed by Dutch law.
10.2 Disputes will initially be submitted to the competent court in the district where Uitgeverij Wilde Haren is established.

Article 11 - Contact details
For questions, complaints or comments, the Customer can contact Uitgeverij Wilde Haren via order at uitgeverijwildeharen nl .